
i-Space Virtual Reality Contest 2020/21

An annual competition hosted by i-Space. We submitted a 3D first person bomberman game "BomberBot" with Virtual Reality and won the Commendation Award.
Commendation Award

ABU Robocon Hong Kong 2021

An annual competition that involves 9 months of robot development with 500k HKD funding. This year's theme was "Throwing Arrows" from the ancient china culture known as pitch-pot. We successfully developed 4 chassis robots for the competition. I was responsible for the computer vision and machine learning parts of two arrow shooting robots. I was also interviewed in the 1-hour prime show ’Robocon2021’ broadcasted by RTHK, as the only university team integrated AI/Computer Vision to the robots.
6th Place

RANZCR CLiP - Catheter and Line Position Challenge

A Deep learning code competition hosted on Kaggle. The task is to detect the presence and position of catheters and lines on chest x-ray images. My approachs include EfficientNets, Vision Transformers and ResNets. Among 1500+ international teams, I achieved the top 18% in the leaderboard with 97% hidden test accuracy.
Top 18% in Leaderboard

ABU Robocon Hong Kong 2020

An annual competition that involves 9 months of robot development with 500k HKD funding. This year's theme is "ROBO RUGBY 7s". Each team designs two robots to bring and kick a rugby ball. We successfully developed 2 chassis robots for the competition.
Best Institute Entity Award; 7th Place

Cassava Leaf Disease Classification

A Deep learning code competition hosted on Kaggle. The task is to classify each cassava leaf image into four disease categories or a fifth category indicating a healthy leaf. Among 4000+ international teams, I achieved the top 57% in the leaderboard with 88.7% hidden test accuracy.

ABU Robocon Hong Kong 2019

An annual competition that involves 9 months of robot development with 500k HKD funding. This year's topic focused on the Urtuu system of Mongolian tradition and the theme was "Sharing the knowledge". We successfully developed a chassis robot and a dog-like robot for the competition. I was responsible for the throwing and pickup mechanisms of the Messenger-Robot 1. More information in slides.
Best Engineering Award; 4th Place

FENG Freshman Project Competition 2018/19

A project competition involve all the freshmen from the faculty of engineering at PolyU. We designed a skee-ball arcade game using Raspberry Pi. Among all freshmen teams, we won the 1st Runner-up with price.
1st Runner-up